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Hooray! We made it through 2020!

Let’s be honest, it’s no secret that last year wasn’t much fun for any of us. As much as we would like to have seen the end of this dreaded C-19, it seems we’re going to have to keep our chins up and stick together a little longer. Well, not “stick” together as such, that’s against the rules, but at least stay positive and keep those virtual hugs going.

Like most, we saw 2020 grind to a relative halt. However, some well-received client work helped things tick over, while we made a conscious effort to schedule in some massively overdue passion projects to keep the old fire burning. We felt it was incredibly important, during these tough times, to stay proactive, keep creative, and above all, do what we could to manage our mental health.


So to kick things off for 2021, we decided to take a little look back through the hard drives and remind ourselves what we achieved through 2020. So here it is, a spicy little mix of street photography, client projects, and a sprinkle of some personal moments that were only made possible by the crazy year we’ve had;

Despite the challenges that may lie ahead, we wish all our clients, colleagues, and new friends the absolute best for 2021. Not only can’t we wait to work with you all again this year, but genuinely look forward to catching up face to face for a good old chinwag.

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